Well, this poem is not that good as expected. A small girl, today's so called modern world where people haven't yet changed their ideas about a girl or a women. So yes this poem is about a girl who chased her dreams and succeeded in proving that girls are not weak.             Once you will go through this poem, it's not like you are definity gonna like it but whatever you feel, kindly tell me via your comments. And also I am a beginer so please tell me your suggestions.        

Flashback To Edie

The morn Edie was born was a hurricane,
Just because she was born as a girl her father kept her on the road,
In the pouring rain.

The child was continuously weeping,
When the dangerous lightning was gleaming.

She was feeling the intolerable pain, 
Through the wild hurricane,

Beating to the sea again and again.

A nobleman came and took Edie to his home,
And thought to keep her with him till the sunray’s shone.

Edie could realise now that her parents cheated her,
She stopped crying and became firm determined,
“I will spread my wings, and roar like a wind.”

The small baby could think so far, some astounding words;
That are like coloured Asian birds.

The hurricane didn’t stop for three days;
And so the nobleman says,
“I think Jesus wants you to stay with me .”
Edie lived and lived with the nobleman for ever and ever...

When Edie was growing,
Nobleman realised that she would be like the wind that was blowing.

The child slowly grew, everyone’s attention she drew.
Her future shown as a warrior, and she died for the country.

She was a creature of heroic blood, and proved that she can rise to shine despite having any kind of boundaries. 


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